Become member

If you register as a "club member" you can enjoy discounts and promotions, stay up to date with the latest products, you can set reminders for birthdays, etc.

If you register as a company as "B2B Member" you can quickly place an order with different users and for different cost centers (departments). You will receive one monthly invoice with discount.

Club member

  • Keep track of all your orders
  • Place an order even faster
  • Set reminders
  • Stay informed with our newsletter
  • Enjoy special discounts and promotions

B2B member

  • Place an order even faster
  • Order promotional gifts and vouchers in bulk
  • Keep track of all your orders
  • Collective invoice with discount
  • Multiple users on one account
  • Set reminders
  • Stay informed with our newsletter
  • Enjoy special discounts and promotions

Companies located in Belgium only!